UPM youth members have been involved in an effort to secure community benefits from a large-scale development currently being proposed in East Oakland. The city, sports teams, and various developers have been in talks to attempt to secure a deal to redevelop the Oakland Coliseum Complex. The location of the Coliseum runs along San Leandro Street between 66th and 73rd Avenues in the heart of East Oakland. A broad based coalition has formed to advocate for community needs such as affordable housing, job quality and access, workers rights, youth services, transit supports, environmental protections, etc. in and around the proposed development.
Urban Peace Movement is the only youth organization currently participating at the coalition strategy table. Some of the other organizations involved include, ACCE, OCO, EBASE, CBE, EBHO, Ala. Co. Building Trades Council, Unite/HERE 2850, SEIU USWW, and others. UPM youth members met with staff from the City of Oakland’s Planning Department and they have testified before Members of the Oakland Planning Commission and the Oakland City Council and worked to inform their peers about the issue. They successfully pushed Planning Department Staff to include language about Community Benefits in the Specific Area Plan which was passed by the Planning Commission and that outlines the parameters for future development on the site. UPM youth pushed for the inclusions of language on a host of issues including but not limited to job access and job quality for local residents, worker retention, ban the box, the inclusion of youth services and youth recreational space, and environmental protections.